em relaxing to lie down in bed and scroll through social me

 screens—really does throw a wrench in your body clock. Studies have shown that instead of helping your mind and body wind down, what these screens do instead is stimulate your brain, which in turn makes it much more difficult to remain in a calm state, fall asleep and get a thehappyworld.org good night’s sleep. 

While it can seem relaxing to lie down in bed and scroll through social media before closing your eyes, experts warn against this thesecretoftime.net because it could actually be detrimental impacting the quality of your sleep. Instead, people should opt for something that doesn’t distract them in this manner – perhaps reading a book or listening to some soothing music. If you do need to look at a screen, experts recommend limiting your phone time thehelloamerica.com to the hour before you fall asleep and wearing blue-light-blocking glasses to limit the effects.

Alcohol and Sleep   


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